Emergency Water Supply Trailers

When an emergency arises, Big Rock is one of the first responders.

During the winter months, frozen water lines can become a serious problem. Big Rock Water can provide an emergency potable/drinking supply to feed water to your home, trailer, and/or business.


Our emergency water supply trailers are outfitted with water storage tanks, pumps and proper hoses and fittings. They can be plumbed directly into you home, trailer, and/or business. All Emergency water supply trailers are heated for freezing winter temperatures.

We drop them off, fill them up, service them, and pick them up when you are ready.

For more information please reach out to our dispatch department at any time.

24hrs Emergency Response

Water Volume Calculator

Water Volume Calculator

Calculate how much water you require:
(Cisterns, Pools & Hot tubs, and Skating rinks)